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Just bought a new ebook from amazon on Programming Entity Framework: Code First, after reader the first few chapters, I felt this book is really great. It makes Entity Framework looks SO EASY.

Julia kept saying, yes, a few lines of code, you just finished the data access layer, and it actual is.

Originally I thought using Model First would be easy as I am starting a completely new project, turns out Code First is even better, as I could write my Class, and it will become my model, and all related details could more or less use DataAnnotation to make it work. I don’t have to get to other places like the edmx etc to get things work.

So far things there are a few stuff I have tried and basically get it working:

1. WPF basic layout and binding

2. C# code basic syntax and code organization like namespaces and projects and folders …

3. SQL Server synchronization (Update-Database !! works like magic in Code First Migration)

4. Entity Framework Code First Modeling usign DataAnnotation

5. Basic data access using Entity Framework

6. Hey, Clickonce is working too! I did not even do anything but Publish 開懷大笑

Using the Telerik Chart Controls probably the Sales Dashboard prototype will be ready in a week.

It took awhile to get to this point, and along the way I feel like I am crawling like so slow … but surely there is progress. Keep going!

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